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  • Forced to eat outside.

    Posted by trae-satterfield on December 12, 2021 at 7:50 pm

    More bitching about ridiculous vax rules here in Washington.

    Today is my dads birthday, and there is a restaurant we go to every year because it’s on the golf course that my grandpa played out of professionally. There is a memorial tree with a plaque there for him, since he died young. Obviously the location isn’t exactly up for debate.

    Anyway, in these two counties, you are required to be vaccinated to eat at a restaurant. I called ahead to ask, if they would allow me inside and they said they could arrange for outdoor seating. I am the only one in my family who is not vaccinated so as a result, it’s “my fault” that we will be eating outside in 35 degree weather tonight.

    I am so tired of this.

    bryon-rogers replied 2 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • coursin-hill

    December 13, 2021 at 6:25 am

    I’ve seen videos of them doing the same thing to kids. Frostbite is less important than covid to these hacks. We’ll never get past this in the blue states I feel. I live in New York and they’re remandating masks until January 15.

    • trae-satterfield

      December 13, 2021 at 9:08 am

      On the positive side of this, I am seeing more and more people refusing to comply with mask and Vax requirements, local donation based funding to pay for restaurants fines for not checking vax cards etc. our last local health agency covid nazi actually stepped down, and I’m not sure if it was due to the credible threats he was getting or if he actually cracked open some studies to see the data first hand and realized he was wrong. Either way, they are starting to run scared and it’s a great thing to see. The downside is that his replacement isn’t even in my county, but somehow still can dictate behavior here. She is actually worse than he was since no health advice or statistics are given anymore, only orders.

      It was nice to see my family and go stand around my grandpas cherry tree. The staff know who we are and were clearly uncomfortable with the situation and not allowing us to eat inside. It’s getting harder to feel optimistic here, but I suppose there is a silver lining.

      The south looks better every day, but I have deep roots here. It will be hard to leave when I finally do.

      Here’s a picture of grandpas tree all lit up last night.

      • coursin-hill

        December 13, 2021 at 2:20 pm

        Nice picture. I do hope the tides turn at some point and we get to the other side of this in the whole country and preferably the whole world. I do think for now the best thing for the freedom minded of us in the states at least is move to more freedom minded states and change the culture there to push for secession from the federal government.

  • bryon-rogers

    December 13, 2021 at 9:33 pm

    Not easy to stand by your principles. Especially alone.