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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 142: Is marriage important to you?

  • jamal-weston

    April 13, 2022 at 11:36 am

    I’ve become increasingly more conservative on this issue in recent times. To me, the abundance of traditional marriage is one of the pillars that any orderly, longstanding and flourishing human civilization requires. Indispensable, really. Unfortunately, we currently live in a low-trust society (likely by design) and that regrettably produces further hesitation to enter into that kind of a commitment. So I do still sympathize with those that see marriage as somthing carrying high personal costs; physically and emotionally. Costs you don’t want to have to bear. But the cost to our species abroad when that institution degrades is also very high. I used to not think this way, but my opinion is slowly changing.

  • ben-ceci

    April 14, 2022 at 5:22 am

    Marriage is important to me. Lately there have been too many divorces and the courts separating children from fathers and draining their money have done horrible things to society. There’s a reason the median age of marriage is so much higher is because no one wants to go into something that will statistically fail. It makes me happy seeing people together and especially young marriages, gotta have hope!

  • naml-shabazz

    April 15, 2022 at 7:57 pm

    The institutional version of marriage is a simply a legal contract. I have never seen the need to have the law involved in my love life. That being said, ‘marriage’ is essential to the continuation of species and forms the foundation for the future of each successive generation. Family is a fundamental pillar of human life. (I define marriage as pair bonding)

  • hunter-rojas

    April 16, 2022 at 7:31 am

    I can understand that many non-religious folks love the concept of marriage just without trying to put the religiousy stuff into it, but as a Christian myself, not only do I believe that the institution of marriage (as God intended) must be protected, but having God be a part of your relationship with your partner is vital to keeping the marriage intact.

    What the State has done is taken what was once a beautiful gift between man and woman, and turned it into a soulless, lucrative business contract, which can get very ugly once kids are involved.

  • daniel-cusack

    April 17, 2022 at 11:27 am

    I will never be comfortable with the idea of getting the state involved into my personal relationships. I come from a long line of family members in miserable relationships, brutal divorces, and a lot of people who just gave up on the idea. This should be an idea that I am 100% allergic to, but as I’ve grown older and have slowed things down, I am open to the idea still. I think my big shift is that I’m not scared of a future me that is in a meaningful relationship and I’m not scared of a future me that is a solo adventure.

  • ivan-carter

    April 29, 2022 at 7:43 pm

    The nuclear family is crucial for the outcome of our future. Not to say no one can ever be successful if they grow up with a single parent. But, facts show that children with both parents “statistically” are far more successful then children who have both parents. And also being Christian I feel like I shouldn’t just roll the dice. I do have an ex-marriage I shouldn’t have ever married her. We have a son. And then i remarried my beautiful wife and have 5 beautiful kids that I stepped up to be father in their lives. I am trying to show them what a man they should marry should be like. Of course no one is perfect but I guide them best that I can and always show their mother respect, love, and care. So our son’s know what a wife should be, and our daughter’s know what a husband should be. Marry the woman you love and who love’s you.