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  • New here! Also got a comic idea!

    Posted by docpox on July 7, 2022 at 2:04 am

    Hey so I just joined literally 5 minutes ago and wanted advice on what to do to get a comic off the ground. I went to college for Creative Writing (which was for sure a waste of money) so I’m more on the writing side.

    I guess I’m just going to jump in with my pitch: It’s called (for right now) “The Dragon’s Horde” and follows a young hero named Dragon as he leads a group of teen heroes who basically were on the path to, or were actually villains at one point. Dragon is a legacy hero, in that his whole family are also heroes.

    His dad is Drake, who can breathe fire and is super strong.

    Mom is Empress who can control heat and fire (she’s also the Nick Fury of the verse, if Nick Fury was a Japanese woman)

    Older brother is The Bright King who can control fire like mom (not as good as she is) but can also absorb heat.

    Older twin sisters are Vigilance and Subsistence who can, respectively, produce fire from their hands and the other feet.

    And Dragon can breathe fire like his dad but he gets stronger the hotter he is (to the point he’s way stronger than anyone in his family (his weakness is that he gets heat syncope

    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  Alex Murray.
    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  Alex Murray.
    LordDude replied 2 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • docpox

    July 7, 2022 at 2:12 am

    Dragons team consists of:

    Huntsman Spider. An acquaintance of Dragon, and not in the good way. Jethro Hood’s parent’s are members of the mercenary group known as The Huntsmen. As such, Jethro was trained since he could walk to be a killer. By 13, he had almost 100 confirmed kills. One mission saw him crashing a train of opponents in Serbia. This technically killed him, however he got the notice of one of The Ladies of Black, notably, Sheolbrack the Lady of Spiders, who gave him a deal to be her first male avatar. He accepted and she revived him. This gave him the powers of a spider, a hunter spider to be specific. Super strength, speed, sticky and his eyes are able to track momentum and trajectories better than he could already.

    Think Spiderman obviously but he’s a through and through killer that is only held on a leash because Dragon is one of the few people to beat him consistently and also Jethro kinda wants to try the hero thing

  • docpox

    July 7, 2022 at 2:21 am

    ID10T Error: An orphan Cade Wilson, had a noisy upbringing. From a young age, for a reason we don’t know yet, Cade could HEAR frequencies *beep* and *boop* but its was deafening. It took years for him to ignore it at best, but then one day it made sense: “beep” = 1 “boop” = 0 he was hearing the binary. Not only that, shortly after he discovered he could actually *send* 1’s and 0’s to devices. Naturally, he immediately became a thief after master coding. By the time Dragon found him, ID10T was a known entity in the New York underground, with his own meta tentacles and hacking skills.

    After taking him down, Dragon saw the hurt in Cade and offered him a job in the Horde in exchange for a semi pardon. Cade hesitantly agreed. He thinks Marana wants to eat him.

  • docpox

    July 7, 2022 at 2:27 am

    Miss Relentless Marana V. This one is a toss up. She’s from a race of space Amazon’s but her father was a god of war that r-worded one of their princesses . They tried aborting her and then killing her when she was born but the Amazon’s just couldn’t so they threw her in a prision space ship and tried forgetting about her. At one point in her teens she breaks out and takes an escape pod that eventually crashes into earth, where Dragon picks her up.

    I say she’s a toss up cause I haven’t decided if her powers are going to be 1. She can push/pull objects towards her or 2. She can fly and gets stronger the longer she fights (which she doesn’t completely lose afterwards, in other words she levels up). She think Cade is adorable and would very much like to be with him

  • docpox

    July 7, 2022 at 2:40 am

    Mrs. Star. Donna Drake is a young woman from the Void Dimension who escaped to the main universe because “the Void is no place for a star like me.” She’s a witch with near limitless potential. Her most iconic spells are

    Star Shuriken, which is pretty self explanatory.

    Compound Combo, which makes the person she cast it on have increasing pressure on phyisical attacks if they hit someone or something in a certain time frame (which she usually casts on Miss Relentless).

    Switch Step: Allows her to stich the position of two objects. Takes longer the bigger the difference in mass of objects (similar is instant)

    All Possible Outcomes: She creates copies of herself by splitting the timeline, she then chooses the outcome that works best. Most people don’t actually see the clones cause they “never existed”

    She started out as a thief just like Cade, but when her father came from the Void Dimension to retrieve her Dragon and the Horde defended her and she now stays with them for protection.

  • docpox

    July 7, 2022 at 2:46 am

    So yeah these are the initial 5, but Dragon has friends from the Hero Academy, and enemies from all over. The story is about him trying to rehabilitate his squad while dealing with regular hero stuff. Where do I go from here? What’s the best way to find an artist, etc. I’ve written some bits out as like a short story but what would be the most helpful way for an artist to be able to like story board that ish if you know what I mean. Anything helps. Thanks

    • coursin-hill

      July 7, 2022 at 7:59 am

      Well one unless an idea is fully formed I wouldn’t recommend sharing it out. If you intend for this to just be comic and I think you do I’d recommend writing a script for the first story you want to tell anywhere from 30 to 100 pages. There tons of comic scripts you can read for free and books to buy on how to write comics. Comic script writing has no set format. Once you have a script then look for an artist. You use social media or sites like fiver. Never done any of this myself but I think it’s actionable advice.

  • LordDude

    July 21, 2022 at 10:22 pm

    Conflict drives story, adversity builds character, show don’t tell… less is more. 🧙‍♂️

    • docpox

      July 22, 2022 at 6:26 pm

      I have a couple villain groups planed. Dragon has his own. Namely “Black Dragon Dhalia” Who is basically him, but a bigger Russian girl who has a mafia type crew.

      Then their are the “Rowdy Boy’s” and the “Good Girls” Rowdy boy’s consist of strong fighters and the Good Girls are thief’s. The point is that they (both) are a better team than the Horde.

      Also Dragon has to hold them back. All of them are thieves, murderers, assassins’, or mercenaries

      • LordDude

        July 24, 2022 at 11:05 pm

        NGL; I Love your enthusiasm, but your writings (any) IRL are your real life ‘Magick Spells.’ It’s a craft, and a lot of knowledge is needed if you truly want to pursue the Magickal path.

        I feel like the problem with Marvel is that they use it as an excuse, instead of a reason. DC is a little more grounded in the reality of it, but still seem to have no laws for how it works.

        Logic and reason are the laws of your mind as a writer, once established they will guide your story, you have great ideas, but stop planning things and let go; is my advice to you! 🧙‍♂️