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Forum Forums Gaming Activision Blizzard hates you, but not as much as their eSports staff

  • Activision Blizzard hates you, but not as much as their eSports staff

    Posted by jojothejo on July 19, 2023 at 9:45 pm

    Doubt anyone sees this in any kind of timely manner… Or at all… But I thought this was a bit shitty that after the approval for Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard, the letter decides to cut off part of its eSports staff with no warning. They weren’t even given an option to transfer to other positions, just cut off cold turkey. You figured the acquisition would guarantee them some sort of funding to keep everything going, but they get approved and immediately start the process by cutting off a department.

    Wasn’t going to post this but I found it funny the first pic is of a team with Dallas emblazed across their gamer jerseys.

    I’ve long lost my respect for Blizzard, I could not care less for Activision… And even though they are technically not at fault for this, I am so glad I left Microsoft last year. I cannot fathom a more disgusting group of idiots.

    Corporations gonna Corporate.


    jojothejo replied 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • jokerthefool

    July 20, 2023 at 2:42 am

    Blizzard did the same thing with their moba. Heroes of the Storm. Their games aren’t the cash cows they used to be and so the esports bubble has popped which means the bean counters have less beans to count so they just end up sacking more people. I do get some cravings to buy Diablo 4, a new COD or OW 2 but then I see or remember the shit they’ve pulled and it stops me.

    • jojothejo

      July 20, 2023 at 9:59 am

      I used to consider Blizzard the Gold standard during the original Warcraft days, before the MMORPG. Starcraft and Diablo were just icing on the cake from a company that put out such great products that I was willing to wait for, no matter how many times they were delayed. And I was a fan of World of Warcraft when it first launched through its first two expansions. But now Blizzard is the company that best represents most if not all of the seven deadly sins.

      <font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>Diablo 3 was a joke. I could just keep tapping the left mouse button with my right toe while doing something else and I would eventually finish the game. World of Warcraft started having an </font>unnecessary<font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”> barrage of issues both physical and political, the Diablo mobile game was built for and by China with barely a Blizzard license on it which was an absolute money grab and a slap to the face of all Blizzard fans, and dropping Blitzchung were what finally got me to step away from them… And that was before the fallout and the “Cosby Room”. </font>

      Clearly something changed and they went from making games for the players to making money for themselves. I figured maybe some of the eSports staff could have transferred to either something within Microsoft or maybe another first party/AAA developer. But no. This was cruel.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  JoJoTheJo. Reason: I hit post the website added unnecessary HTM/XML font language that was clearly visible within the post. I did not add any font changes to my post, so I don't know where those came from