Daily Poll 122: How do you view Kentaji Brown Jackson?
It’s that time again in the political season that congress grills the newest appointee to the Supreme Court. Kentaji Brown Jackson has been in the news for being unable to define the word woman and is still somehow being idolized by the left for being the first black woman to be on the Supreme Court. I think this all became a cruel joke played on the general population a long time ago. The hearings for Kavanaugh were ridiculous so I’m not surprised that Jackson’s would be the same. What do you think?
Last Daily Poll: https://stagingmembers2.ericdjuly.com/forums/discussion/daily-poll-121-what-is-your-primary-mode-of-transportation/
Daily Poll Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RMWvFs61zoj_pjeH8Rmmbrnfw6JVVRpg5yXt9V1hnos/
Daily Poll 121: What is your primary mode of transportation?