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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 154: How do you feel about unions?

  • justin-topps

    April 25, 2022 at 10:41 pm

    im not for them. some places force you to be in the union when you dont want to. example is sag for actors. they made it hard for people who are not in them to get into the industry. i dont believe unions are needed. folks know what they signed up for and if they need changes in the workplace i say let the market decide via competition and sales. when someone works somewhere they most likely agreed to the terms and if they dont like them later when working just quit and find a new job. more people not willing to fill a position the employer going to have to make adjustments to make sure the positions needed is filled.

  • bryon-rogers

    April 27, 2022 at 9:47 am

    They have been more a liability for the economy as a whole, with the government sector unions being the worst ones.

    Take construction example. A non-union roofer gets paid based on the job, not on the hour, so he has more incentive to finish the job quick and efficiently. Everyone benefits from that.

    Union construction worker gets paid by the hour, along with the benefits. So they have an incentive to take their time, making the project take too long and waste the client’s money. So a lot of money is being spent on these unscrupulous union workers that could have been used elsewhere and more efficiently.