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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 213: How do you feel about premarital sex?

  • bennett-seacrist

    June 23, 2022 at 8:37 am

    Im a little bit of a hypocrite on this one, however we learn from making mistakes. August is my 20th wedding anniversary. I wish my wife was the only woman I had been with. But there are no take backs. It should still be taboo, and there should be shot gun weddings. We have become a society of pushing off responsibility. The left wants big daddy government to take care of everything, then discourages the only thing that may make that feasible, and that is large nuclear families. To pay for all that shit you need taxpayers and with birth rates well below replacement that is impossible. Maybe thats why they want to import new citizens. Nah they’re just crackheads.

    • bennett-seacrist

      June 23, 2022 at 8:40 am

      Don’t read that as that I want the government to do shit, it just another example of Leftist ignoring reality. The politicians sacrifice the future for today, when actual responsiblity involves sacrificing today for the future. That is what work and being great is, you give up your time and energy today to have a better tomorrow. The government destroys the future for short gains today, its the opposite of being great.

  • tammy-rawls

    June 25, 2022 at 4:55 pm

    That one is a good one! I have 5 kids with 3 different mothers and none of them wanted to be with me and only wanted my seed. So the question comes, as to marriage, is it societal or natural. Is it morals or nature.

    Is it comfort or genetics? Or is it both…which my kids mothers have obtained. Things that make you go hhhhmmmm?

  • naml-shabazz

    June 25, 2022 at 5:29 pm

    Men have been trying to get laid when ever they can since the dawn of mankind. I do agree we need to instill a moral ethic that multiple premarital partners is unhealthy. But the idea of experimentation and exploration of ones sexuality is also valid. I think like everything, moderation. Too much of a good thing takes away the shine. Hook up culture definitely needs to be stamped out tho.