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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 228: Do you watch reality TV?

  • naml-shabazz

    July 8, 2022 at 1:12 pm

    I despise it. They purposefully cast the most vapid, low IQ people that can muster a personality stereo typed from mass media in order to create the most drama possible. Then create bullshit situations for them “react” to… all stop here. LOL

    As a RABID fan of 80’s TV as a kid ( I despise the laziness of it all. It hasn’t changed since the fist ever version: The Real World on MTV which I watched the entire season of BTW lol

    okokok seriously I will stop

    • naml-shabazz

      July 8, 2022 at 1:20 pm

      can’t stop

      The problem with today’s series entertainment is all data driven and if only one group is participating in the process REAL diversity is destroyed. So everything is cookie cutter and appeals to the lowest common denominator. I watch some crazy shit but the lack creativity has left me not watching anything but netflix and internet videos (from sports to news), literally.

  • hometownhero

    July 9, 2022 at 12:56 am

    Reality TV just never grabbed me. I remember saying, “Oh, what’s this Survivor thing everyone is talking about?” and attempting to watch it. Even that bored me to tears. It just never had a real hook that could get me invested in whatever clueless ‘average Joe’ they wheeled in front of the camera.

    I remember thinking that it reminded me of watching my grandmother in her twilight years, as her mental faculties began to fade, watching Wheel of Fortune or Price is Right out of sheer force of habit. When I’ve seen friends or family watching reality TV in the years since, I’ve seen the same vacant, dull expression on their faces as they watched. And that terrified me.