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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 252: Who is more powerful, Isom or Yaira?

  • adam-kolbe

    August 1, 2022 at 11:48 pm

    Isom strikes me as an except that isn’t super powerful, but knows how to fight. Id say Yaira is stronger when it comes to actual power levels, but inferior when it comes to combat if that makes sense

  • daniel-hohnsbehn

    August 4, 2022 at 4:44 am

    Considering some of the hints that have been dropped about wating to get back to street-level stories, not wanting a superman-like character right out the gate and just looking at how Isom is presented (seems to be on the defense more than offense in what little we’ve seen so far), I’m thinking that Isom isn’t really all that powerful but has other skills that allow him to “hang” with the heavy hitters. Yaira might be the big dog in this particular match up.