Daily Poll 47: How do you feel about debt?
Other people’s money is the only way to get rich and the only way to live. American consumer culture tells you that you can’t drive a car without a payment, own a home without a mortgage or be a student without a loan. I got inspired by Dave Ramsey last year to get myself out of debt and I’ve gotten through the first half of my debt snowball, with some help from my family, and I intend to pay off my loans in May. I’m freedom minded and that doesn’t mean freedom from government it also means financial freedom and you can’t be free when all your money is being sent to your creditor’s wallets. Those are just my thoughts on debt. I’m interested in yours.
Last Daily Poll: https://stagingmembers2.ericdjuly.com/forums/discussion/daily-poll-46-do-you-buy-ports/
Daily Poll Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RMWvFs61zoj_pjeH8Rmmbrnfw6JVVRpg5yXt9V1hnos/