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Forum Forums General Discussion I am Proud of You…

  • I am Proud of You…

    Posted by naml-shabazz on June 22, 2022 at 12:25 pm

    I like What I am Seeing,

    This community is really doing some awesome things. I saw the turn out we put on in the photos Rippa posted, from the Con in Texas. (can’t remember what it was called) I just want to say I am proud of all of you. They have told us all lies our entire lives. Some of us knew, some didn’t. But NOW our eyes are wide open and we are doing something that doesn’t come natural to freedom minded individuals: organizing.

    If any of you got something you are working on and would like me to promote it, drop it in the comments. I have a decent social media presence in the alt-tech space and can advertise on Minds.com (no charge to you guys).

    Keep up the Great Work!


    naml-shabazz replied 2 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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