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  • trae-satterfield

    January 6, 2022 at 1:46 am

    I’m a car guy primarily, but I also race sprint boats in the summer. Secondary hobbies would be riding quads and motorcycles, with gaming being one of the last things on my list of hobbies.

  • trae-satterfield

    January 4, 2022 at 2:51 pm

    I wouldn’t describe myself as a gamer, mostly because I only play occasionally and don’t take it too seriously. I also play offline, so no I’m not fucking up your halo lobbies. lol. But, I was just talking about this yesterday. I much prefer to have a physical copy and insert the disc. There is something so much more satisfying about a physical copy.

  • trae-satterfield

    January 3, 2022 at 8:26 am

    I’ve been spending a ton of time playing road redemption lately. lol. Nostalgic, offensive, and very Australian. It’s glitchy and the physics are weird, but it reminds me of going to the arcades as a kid in the 90s.

  • trae-satterfield

    January 1, 2022 at 12:02 pm

    To be perfectly honest, this new year is one of the least optimistic New Years I’ve ever had. The world seems to be hellbent on becoming a place that won’t tolerate my lifestyle and opinions and it’s not a good feeling. I also spent my New Year’s Eve getting drunk by myself. Not off to a great start, but hopefully it will turn around. Not feeling very white pilled this morning.

  • trae-satterfield

    December 31, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    I have high hopes and low expectations. Only time will tell.

  • trae-satterfield

    December 31, 2021 at 6:30 pm

    I plan on being hung over tomorrow. Being better than today will have to wait at least a day. lol. Happy new year.

  • trae-satterfield

    December 29, 2021 at 9:37 pm

    That’s gotta be incredibly stressful. I’m glad things are looking up. I wish you many years of happiness and good health for your whole family.

  • trae-satterfield

    December 27, 2021 at 6:54 am

    No covid vax for me and that’s not changing. I’m not risking a lifetime of potential health problems for a short term virus that won’t do me any serious harm if I even get it. 2 years in, working with the public and attempting to live normally as much as I can and haven’t had it yet. Im not worried.

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  • trae-satterfield

    December 21, 2021 at 7:01 am

    How long until companies like tiktok get in bed with government on gun control to the point of creating or secretly promoting fake social media movements for this kind of thing? Seems somewhat inevitable given the lengths we’ve seen them go to influence politics in recent years.

  • trae-satterfield

    December 21, 2021 at 6:56 am

    Take my money! I’m excited for this book.

  • trae-satterfield

    January 6, 2022 at 12:15 am

    I have a lot of hours invested in the original Grand Turismo. The calsonic skyline was one of my favorite cars to drive. Mario Kart is a good one too, especially the n64 versions which were a little more about being able to drive the kart than some of the newer versions that seem to be designed to put the worst driver in first place. lol.

  • trae-satterfield

    January 5, 2022 at 11:35 am

    I’m not holding my breath. John wick is too tough and too traditionally masculine for them to resist. He’ll be replaced by a girl with hair dye and a nose piercing at some point. lol. Men can’t have heroes anymore. Male happiness is toxic.

  • trae-satterfield

    January 5, 2022 at 11:32 am

    I agree. For the record, this was in a San Francisco public school circa 2008 or so. The woke movement was still taking root at that time, and I do remember my younger leftist teachers complaining about the older teachers methods and politics. I thought it was strange because I always popped my hand up and told them (in front of the class because I was a confrontational little fucker) I learned more with the teachers they complain about because they were actually teachers and not babysitters. lol. I have a fond memory of the senior counselor reading the report a teacher sent me to the office with and barely holding back his laughter. Funny thing is I actually considered myself a liberal back then, although I definitely didn’t really understand what that meant at the time.

  • trae-satterfield

    December 24, 2021 at 10:04 am

    The thing is, it can be interpreted a lot of different ways depending on where your focus lies. That’s part of the appeal for me and part of what is so captivating about the series. To have a movie that just outright says what it is like that shits all over the cult appeal. Even worse though, they clearly didn’t give a shit about the story, they just wanted to make money with nostalgia bait, and check their stupid political boxes and act like it’s an accomplishment of some sort to have female characters be bad ass.

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